Let's overthrew United Airline!No company of racial discrimination!
2017年 04月 11日
Let's overthrew United Airline!
An Asian passenger was assaulted by United Airlie!
Overbooking was occured in an airplane of United airline because the company did not think of employees seat.
In such case,most company deal with passengers as priority.
But United airlines assaulted an Asian passenger who dinyed requirement to get off the plane.
He is a doctor who should see patients in his eistination.
It was strange all passengers who was required to get off the plane was Asians.
Ladies and gentlmen!
Let's overthrew the United Airline by boycott the company!
from 広島瀬戸内新聞ニュース(..
at 2017-04-12 11:01
タイトル : ユナイテッド航空、改めて謝罪=乗客引きずり出し
Let's overthrew United Airline!No company of racial discrimination! やはり、謝罪はしたようです。しかし、「ごめん」で済むなら警察はいりませんね。 責任は取って頂きましょう。 http://www.excite.co.jp/News/economy_g/20170412/Jiji_20170412X552.html?_ga=1.211264405.1202369926.1461237180 【シカゴ時事】...... more
Let's overthrew United Airline!No company of racial discrimination! やはり、謝罪はしたようです。しかし、「ごめん」で済むなら警察はいりませんね。 責任は取って頂きましょう。 http://www.excite.co.jp/News/economy_g/20170412/Jiji_20170412X552.html?_ga=1.211264405.1202369926.1461237180 【シカゴ時事】...... more
by hiroseto2004
| 2017-04-11 21:22
| english