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庶民派知事で何があっても心配いらない広島を ヒロシマ庶民革命

by hiroseto2004
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LDP is KOed in the election of the senator and Abe's excuse cannot persuade most people!

LDP was defeated overwhelmingly in the election of the senator.

LDP wins only 37 seats and the new Komeito wins only 9 seats.

The opposition parties won the majority in the senate.

The DPJ wins 60 seats.

The opposition parties including DPJ won 23 seats in 29 districts where only one member is elected and where the LDP was very strong in the past.

The LDP lost support from conservatives because the former Prime Minister Koizumi was very cruel on the country side people.

By attacking country side people, he was supported by the people in TOKYO and he won overwhelmingly in the general election in 2005.

But Mr.Abe lost support from both people in country and Tokyo.

Mr.Abe is very old-fashioned though he is younger than Mr.Koizumi and he lost support from Tokyo.

And he continued Mr.Koizumi's policy which is cruel for the country side.

That is why the LDP was defeated in this election overwhelmingly.

I think LDP should not be the government party any more.

LDP increased poverty in these 10 years by its neo-liberalism.

In the past LDP was the party of the national people, but now it is only a party for only rich and elite.

Now Mr.Abe refuses to resign.

He excused by saying "My policy is not wrong.
It is due to the minister’s scandals.”

But it is Abe who appointed them minister.

Abe's excuse cannot persuade most people.

We must KO the LDP overwhelmingly in the next general election!

LDP is KOed in the election of the senator and Abe\'s excuse cannot persuade most people! _e0094315_1711491.gif人気blogランキングへ

LDP is KOed in the election of the senator and Abe\'s excuse cannot persuade most people! _e0094315_23461311.gif

2007年参議院選挙 TBP 


Tracked from 介護福祉士の資格 介護福.. at 2007-08-20 16:30
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by hiroseto2004 | 2007-08-18 00:43 | english | Trackback(1)