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庶民派知事で何があっても心配いらない広島を ヒロシマ庶民革命

by hiroseto2004
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Top Afghan Policewoman Killed by Taliban Assassins

Two Taliban gunmen shot and killed Malalai Kakar, the head of Kandahar city's department of crimes against women, as she left for work on Sunday, according to BBC News. Reported by Agence France-Presse, Kakar, a mother of six, led a team of 10 other female police officers investigating crimes against women. Her 18-year old was also seriously wounded.

According to AFP, Taliban spokesman Yousef Ahmadi claimed responsibility for Kakar's murder. "We killed Malalai Kakar," Ahmadi said. "She was our target and we successfully eliminated our target." Since the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan that ended the Taliban extremist regime, Taliban militants have regularly targeted women-run schools, projects, and businesses, according to the Associated Press.

In an EU statement obtained by the AP, the international organization condemned Kakar's murder. "Any murder of a police officer is to be condemned, but the killing of a female police officer whose service was not only to her country, but to Afghan women, to whom Ms. Kakar served as an example, is particularly abhorrent."

Media Resources: Associated Press 9/29/08, Agence France-Presse 9/28/2008, BBC News 9/28/2008





Feminist Daily News Wire
May 22, 2007
Women's Rights Activist Suspended from Afghan Parliament

Women's rights activist and lawmaker Malalai Joya, a 29-year-old from the Farah province, was suspended from the Afghan Parliament yesterday after she described the Parliament as a barn full of animals. Joya is known for infuriating former mujahedeen fighters that now hold seats in the legislative body ・some elected and some appointed by US-supported President Hamid Karzai ・by openly accusing them of being criminals. Lawmakers threw water bottles at her after she gave a speech last May calling some of her colleagues warlords.

Lawmakers in Afghanistan are not permitted to criticize each other under Article 70 of the Parliament's rules. Joya feels the rule was created as a 菟olitical conspiracy・against her. According to the Associated Press, Joya said, "Since I've started my struggle for human rights in Afghanistan, for women's rights, these criminals, these drug smugglers, they've stood against me from the first time I raised my voice." Joya interrupted Afghanistan's constitutional convention to insist that the mujahideen were responsible for the country痴 civil war. She has received numerous death threats since then.

The Parliament did not hold a formal vote to oust Joya, instead raising colored cards in favor of suspending her, but it is not clear if she can appeal the decision. Joya told reporters that she will not abandon her fight for women's rights. "I'm not alone," she said. "The international community is with me and all the Afghan people are with me."




by hiroseto2004 | 2008-10-01 12:45 | ジェンダー・人権 | Trackback